After a few years of not having had to perform switch upgrades, I had to perform a few firmware upgrades on MDS switches. I decided to write down the steps I had to take:
- First make sure you have a reachable ftp server somewhere and write down its ip address
- Log on to the Cisco MDS SAN switch you need to upgrade
- Make sure the bootflash: has enough available space to hold the 2 new files
# dir bootflash:
4096 Feb 23 14:58:04 2020 lost+found/
26049024 Feb 10 12:57:55 2020 m9100-s5ek9-kickstart-mz.8.3.2.bin
121121564 Feb 10 12:56:47 2020 m9100-s5ek9-mz.8.3.2.binUsage for bootflash://sup-local
463962112 bytes used
2894815232 bytes free
3358777344 bytes total
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