Tag Archives: Windows

How to match an Windows (HyperV) disk to a SAN attached disk using the wwn

Hard Drive

Where do I find the wwn of a disk in Windows / HyperV? That’s the question.

There are a number of identifiers to find out which LUN is which disk, but the only undeniably unique number to find out which disk is which LUN is by using the globally unique wwn number of a LUN. The question is: “where can I find the wwn of a disk in HyperV?”

The LUN number, as assigned by the storage array can be found by using diskpart:

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How to find out the LUN id of a Windows disk

Hard Drive

Attaching multiple LUNs to a Windows host and later trying to figure out which LUN is which can be a drag. I found out that using the “details disk” command in diskpart can help you finding backup the right LUN:



list disk

select disk 19 (or whatever drive you want to see the details of)

detail disk

HITACHI DF600F  Multi-Path Disk Device
Disk ID: 00000000
Type   : FIBRE
Status : Online
Path   : 0
Target : 2
LUN ID : 7
Location Path : UNAVAILABLE
Current Read-only State : Yes
Read-only  : Yes
Boot Disk  : No
Pagefile Disk  : No
Hibernation File Disk  : No
Crashdump Disk  : No
Clustered Disk  : No

There are no volumes.


So in this particular case the Host LUN id was 7. This should help you along a bit 🙂

Format of CSV on Hyper-V hosts is very slow

Hard Drive

When formatting a newly added disk (LUN) to Hyper-V, often you’ll notice the formatting takes forever. Dell EMC therefore advises to disable VAAI on VMware hosts for the same issue, however modern VMware hosts don’t seem to have this problem. Hyper-V however still have this issue. To disable the UNMAP / TRIM from happening, use the following command:

fsutil behavior set DisableDeleteNotify 1

After formatting was performed, you’ll need to re-enable UNMAP / TRIM by issuing the following command:

fsutil behavior set DisableDeleteNotify 0


How to change a (domain) password on a Windows 2012 server


When logged on to a Windows 2012 server through an RDP through another RDP connection on an Apple laptop, changing the password can be a challenge, especially if the account on this 2012 machine is not the same as on the machine you used to connect to the 2012 machine (try saying that sentence 5 times in a row).

So you’re logged on to a Windows 2012 server and you need to change the password of the actual account you’re using at that moment.

Click on the windows flag in the lower left of the screen and type this Powershell command:

Powershell -noprofile -nologo -noninteractive -command “(new-object -ComObject shell.application).WindowsSecurity()”

It doesn’t look pretty, but since I cannot find any alternative, it’s the best I can do.

It works!

Free Royal TS/X NFR license for EMC Elect, MVP, vExpert, Cisco Champions, CTP

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Get your own NFR license for Royal TS/X

I usually don’t like to make too much of a fuzz about free giveaways, but we all need RDP, telnet and SSH clients and this one is worth the extra effort. Try it! So far I like it very much.

You can apply for an activation code on .

vExpertsMVPsCisco ChampionsEMC Elect and CTPs can request a free Royal TS/X NFR license! You need to prove in some way that you are one of those community experts, so they can verify and you’ll get an email with your own key!

If you have questions, you can reach out to @royaltsapp on Twitter.