Announcing the EMC Elect 2016!

Another year has past and what a great year it was. A lot has happened, both personal and work related. The whole Dell / EMC merger made many think about the future once again and I must say it’s going to be an interesting year. I’m very much looking forward to EMC World, this May, as Michael Dell, Dave Goulden and Joe Tucci will make their appearance in the opening keynote. I think that I’ll be present in the big hall for once, even though the EMC Elect lounge has proven to be a wonderful and relaxed place to experience the keynote. And yes, that’s just one of the advantages of being EMC Elect: you’ll get to enter the realms of this small and privileged group of people.

On the EMC Community Network (aka ECN) you will find the latest and complete list of the EMC Elect 2016.

Thank you EMC, for making me part of this group again!!

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